

There is so much one can be as a woman, and yet so little. As we are all but a small person in this vast world. On the grand view of the world even the most named people we know very little about. Though thinking of our closest friends what do we really know about them. At what point do we truly know them?   The family you grew up with may all carry on with their adult lives as much you may be involved with do you know what a person is behind closed doors. Do you know what their true hopes and dreams are? Perhaps they are too afraid to share them even with those they trust the most. Living in fear of those precious dreams being trampled.   Perhaps it is the fears we hold so close. So afraid that with the power of knowledge among people they may come true. When that very person may be the one willing to fight your deepest darkest fears along your side? Who truly are the people we love? Who truly am I, how am I supposed to understand my mark on this world?

Applying to Jobs - How to get the interview!

When you are looking for a job, it can often feel like you will never get the interview. Sending away so many resumes, not getting seen through the crowds of other people applying.  I am currently in the chase of a new job and this is how I stand out.  COVER LETTERS Write a cover letter, this is not only important for a way to craft something to display your skills, but make it personal. Honestly make them believe you want this job. Are you applying for 40+ jobs? Maybe but when they read that cover letter they should feel like the only one. You want this job for real, not because its another job. Create a story, why you want to work there, who the person you believe the position will allow you to be. Why it has to be this specific job and not anything else.  For me I am a powerlifter, that is my passion. Maybe I am applying for a job because it aligns with my only trail of thought. Everything lifting related.  Maybe I am a woman trying to break into the business world. A woman who will


Hi all, I have been feeling a strong pull to write here again. Its been some years, I lost passion for my blog, I started making Youtube videos and fell down that rabbit hole for a while, I have been writing in different ways in the past year. I have been working on novels (plural because I keep coming up with ideas and not completing anything). I really enjoy reading my old posts about my life and constantly looking at my own Instagram page (call me vain I dare you) so I may start writing here again. Not sure about what but possibly about things, sometimes hopefully. I have been finding a lot of Joy in my life, this leads to my life motto -everything recedes back to the mean- thank you Teen Wolf. So with all these Joys I have had equal lows. Tomorrow is my birthday, to me it's the worst day of the year. I don't enjoy my birthday in my mind it is supposed to be a day where you feel loved but I tend to feel the opposite. I am the person who goes way above and beyond fo

Life Update :)

Hi everyone! It has been a long while. My year has been very crazy this year. I moved to Canberra but now I am once again living in Brisbane! Surprise? Not sure if I should even update everyone each time I move. I do think this is where I am going to be for a long while so shouldn't have any updates anytime soon. For anyone new here I am actually packing up to move for the sixth time since November 2016. So that's fun. I am hoping to be studying next Semester either Dietetics or Film. I now have a Youtube channe l. Which is where a lot of my passion has been going, though I do still want to be active here. I have learnt that I really love being creative. I enjoy working and am totally introverted but life with friends is much better. Since moving out I know that I can live alone and am independent. I moved out at seventeen, and struggled with a horrible job but I got through it. Everything recedes back to the mean, nothing can be good or bad forever. I have started t

My Goals Right Now

Some people don’t have goals, but then where is your life going. How are you going to improve? I have a few simple goals.  Goal 1: transition fully to a plant based diet and find vegan alternatives to everyday items. Currently the only times I eat meat is when someone else is feeding me. All the meals I make at home are 99% plant based. I am hoping to change that to 100% plant based and to not be buying anymore items that may include animal products like checking my soaps ect. I also am working towards replacing my leather items like work shoes with synthetic options and then donating the leather. So that it isn't going to waste but I don't have to feel bad about wearing the clothing. Goal 2: Be as active as I can I really am not the most active person. I don’t lay in bed all day at all. I just don’t work out; I ride occasionally but even that I haven’t been doing as much. My goal is to ride as much as I can and to start working out at ho

My Purpose

Hiya! One for the reasons that I always struggle to continue blogging was a lack of purpose. Why was I really doing it and what was the point? I wasn’t changing anyone’s lives, were people actually reading my content or were they just commenting pretending they did?   I would be enjoying writing blog posts but then would get stuck, thinking this is a waste of time I shouldn’t be putting so much time and effort into this. What was the point? Back then I was just writing about topics I was interested in, sharing my adventures ect. I didn’t have something I actually wanted to share with people, and definitely not something people were actually going to be benefited by. I wasn’t passionate about what I was writing. It was always such a challenge to stay motivated when there wasn’t really a reason for me to be doing it. That in mind, I think it was important for me to always have the desire to blog and create content. So I think that it was good that I had the experience and

Why focused on my Health? / Vegan

Hello my beautiful readers!  So this question exists.... Why did I become so interested in health? Well to be fair I always was interested in health. The difference is that I have moved out and get to choose what goes in my mouth now, and where my money goes. No one can tell me that I can’t be vegan. I have always struggled with my weight and have be exercising and eating healthy in hopes to better manage my weight (still early in the journey) and to ultimately feel better. I have found that just from exercising alone you tend to love your body more and see yourself as more attractive.   I have not always had a good relationship with food and that is another thing I wanted to change, I always thought wow when I move out I am never going to buy junk food (and I really don’t!). I am going to work to be healthy so in a way its what I have always wanted. When living at home I didn’t really have control over what I ate I got fed and I ate what I was g