Working Outside
Hey! Something totally lovely about living in a hot country is being able to enjoy the sun at all times. A great time I have found recently is while I am working on my laptop. My old house had a beautiful balcony that was very large and we had a huge dining table on it, that was perfect for getting the last bit of my schooling finished at. We were on top of a hill and would get a magnificent view to distract me from monotonous class work. The inside of my house often was fairly hot being Queensland and all, though outside on the deck was shaded and often cooler as you could feel a slight breeze. Sadly that chapter of my life is over, and I will definitely be reminiscing on that part of my life. Where are your favourite places to get work done? Do you need to always be inside? Would the view be too distracting for you? Sadly this is a short post, but I am feeling if I start at least regularly posting short posts Ill be able to get out more content for ...